Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas remembered

What a wonderful Christmas holiday. Hosting the Elijah family for Christmas dinner and getting to play games with Ron's children while the men slept or as they said watched the football game. Having my kids and their families here Christmas night with tons of packages to open and getting to see Caleb for the first time in a year. Hosting the Fehling Christmas on the 26th with all but 6 members here, we missed Cheryl & Jim, Caitlin, Jason & Julie and Vanessa. A feast brought by everyone, the living room filled with people and gifts to open, watching Dallas, Emily, Charley and Noelle, talking with Jason & Julie on Skype courtesy of Ashley, the snow that made the landscape beautiful--a few of the blessings that were mine this Christmas season.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Car is stuck

My car is stuck in the snow--not on the road, not in the ditch, but down east of the barn! I could not get it in the garage yesterday afternoon when I got home from school, wound up crossways in the driveway. Bill tried; but ended up down by the barn and the final resting place is in a snowbank down there. Now this morning Bil is throwing up so it doesn't look like he is going out to clean the driveway or get the car unstuck. Maybe his brother will have to take his mother to her dr. appt. this afternoon. Sure don't want her to get the flu. I don't have to go anywhere today. But it sure would be nice to have the yard etc cleaned up by the time we have company on Saturday and Sunday!

We had a nice Evening Circle Christmas party at the 3-30 Club last night. Food was great and I hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas trivia Joy and I did. We had questions about Christmas songs and for everyone you got correct you got a "La" and if you were wrong you go at "Fa". At the end we had them sing the Fa's and La's to a familiar tune. We didn't stay long because when we went to town there were large drifts on the north/south road that blew up over the hood of the pickup and there were more drifts on the way home.

School was delayed 2 hours this morning but I got a full day in yesterday. Seemed everyone wanted help. Did vocabulary words with the first graders. Am always amazed at the words they know already.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bedroom update

Neal was here two days last week to put the skim coat on the bedroom walls so Mike could come and paint. As you all know, you just can't do one thing without it leading to another. Now Neal has to put new drywall up in the ceiling of the closets. He wants heat upstairs. I can't sleep in the heat. I sleep downstairs on the sofa bed. It stinks upstairs. I can't sleep when it stinks. I sleep downstairs on the sofa bed. My clothes are down in the other bedroom, Bill's clothes are in the storage room. Some of our clothes are in the dresser in the bedroom probably getting moldy! When will this get done? Then we can move it all again when the carpet gets put in which is all I wanted to begin with!

Some Christmas gifts are bought; none are wrapped. More gifts to buy. Need to go shopping again. Sue and I went Friday; I purchased a sofa, loveseat and chair. Anybody want the sofa bed and matching recliner that is in the back room? Let me know soon because it is gone when they deliver the new, possibly this week.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It snowed!

We had over 6 inches of snow this past weekend. It looks so pretty out, even if it is only 4 degrees outside! And even though I got the car stuck--on my own yard--Saturday morning. I just couldn't get it to go in the garage, I slid backwards, sideways, finally ended up down by the barn and called Bill! Of course he drove it right up to the house and asked if I didn't know how to drive. I did notice our neighbors had cleaned out their driveways before their wives went away, but I didn't say anything.

Joy and I went to a piano concert Sunday afternoon after eating lunch at church served by the Senior High Fellowship. We went to the Adler Theater in Davenport to see Jim McDonough's "Holiday Grande 2010" concert. He can really play and sing. One interesting part of the concert is when he takes requests from the audience and then plays them one after another (maybe just a line or two) without skipping a beat. I don't know how that's done, you would have to think of the song, what key to play in etc. A good concert to see and it benefits Camp Courageous.

Since I was volunteering yesterday at school I got to see the matinee performance of the Lowden elementary school Christmas concert. The music teacher did a great job and the students used percussion instruments in a lot of the songs. They performed again last night. Today the music teacher will do it all over again at the Mechanicsville school.

Stay warm everyone.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This has been the week of smells! Last Wednesday night as I was ready to go to Thanksgiving Eve service at church and was set to open the porch door, I saw a skunk. It was right there in front of me by the light pole. I didn't know what to do, if I opened the door and went out would it be scared and spray me? Bill kept saying if I shoot it, it will smell. Know what? It did. He shot it by standing on the porch just inside the door. After the 3rd shot, it lay dead--well the first shot missed but he got it finally with the other two. I left for church; the inside of the car smelling like skunk. Even when I left church to go home. Bill didn't want to carry the skunk away so it layed there until we got home from Thanksgiving dinner. The smell didn't come into the house, but the minute you opened the door--yuk! Finally I convined him he had to get rid of it. The sidewalk where he died smelled until Sunday. Phew!

Today it is the smell of fresh paint that I noticed when I got up. Mike Elijah and his painting partner came yesterday and painted the bathroom and kitchen. Only took a few hours, I guess. I was at school and when I got home it was all done. Now I have the curtains washed and ironed, floor mopped, all the woodwork was washed prior to painting. Now if it would just stay clean!

Monday, November 22, 2010


This past week has been a busy, fun one. Cheryl came Tuesday evening; Bill, Grandma and I got to meet her at the airport. Hopefully she has had a good time while here and saw and did everything she wanted to. Tomorrow morning, very early, she leaves again. The week goes so fast.

Plans for painting the kitchen and bathroom are going well. Mike said he could paint the Monday after Thanksgiving so I've been busy removing things from walls and washing walls. I can't wait for that to get done. The bedroom will have to wait until it can get a couple skim coats. But like Neal says, who cares if the bedroom is painted, you sleep with your eyes closed!

Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving. We do have a lot to be thankful for. I hope everyone has looked a Vanessa's face book page and seen the video of Caleb graduating from sniper school.

Monday, November 15, 2010


I've been taking wallpaper off my bedroom this past week. I will NEVER EVER put wallpaper on any wall. The top layer of the paper came off fairly easy, mainly because the seams have been loose for years anyway. The bottom layer came off ok with a squirt of fabric softner in water. That was on my old plaster walls. But the wallpaper on the closet walls which we built years ago didn't want to come off. Bill's nephew Mike is going to paint for me and he recommended DIF. You spray that on after scoring the wallpaper. Well, there is some wallboard missing now too. The plaster walls are rough--Neal says he can put a couple coats of skim (whatever?) on the walls, do you suppose that works on wallboard too? Otherwise I have a mess! Mike is a professional painter and I want the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom painted before Christmas. He thought he could get it done. I hope so. At least the bathroom and kitchen. Nobody is going to see the bedroom anyway.

Yesterday the search committee hosted a potluck after church to get the congregation's opinion on some of the questions on our church profile. We had almost 60 people stay for the question and answer session and we consider it a success. Next meeting Thursday night.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Veterans Day

We have a couple things to do on Veterans Day--there is a program at the North Cedar Middle School in the morning and the Legion is having a supper that night, a potluck so I have some cooking to do. The school program is always nice; they ask the Veterans to come up front and then all the kids are to shake their hands and tell them "thank you for your service". I don't know what the kids get out of it but it is nice for the Veterans.

Election Day was long and busy. We had 460 voters at our precinct. There were 6 of us working and we all were surprised at how many of voters we did NOT know. More people are moving in and out of our little town. We worked from 6 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. A fun day even though we didn't have time to eat the snacks that we all brought to share. Barely had time for a bathroom break!

Went to the Lutheran church for a turkey supper last night. Turkey, dressing, the whole bit plus a salad bar and pie! Good stuff. Friday night was the first Legion fish fry this fall. The fish compares to Bluff Lake and you don't have to wait. Next one is first Friday in December. Thursday night we went to the Legion for tacos before my search committee meeting. Enough of eating already!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Election Day

Won't we all be glad when election day is over? I have received so many phone calls, the last from Mitt Romney and the other day one from Pat Boone! For you youngens' he is a famous singer from back in the day and he was calling "older" Iowans. Why did he call me?

Monday, October 25, 2010

2 Months till Christmas

I'm not the least ready for Christmas so we will not talk about that anymore.

An interesting week as you all know. I remember now that hospital sitting is hard work. The best thing is Mother found out her heart is fine and that she has to take pain meds to keep her arthritis pain under control. Also found out that the life line works and she will use it if need be. All the nurses and doctors, first responders and ambulance people were great. Hope this week is more "normal".

Today is school, tomorrow Mother's dr. appt at 10:30 and I have an appt in the afternoon to see about getting my quilt machine quilted and choir practice in the evening; Wednesday is library and at night I am going to a class that Aaron Horman is teaching on FaceBook and Twitter. Looking forward to that. Maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks!

Also looking forward to election next week. Then we won't have to listen to all the political ads. I work at the polls so it is a long day--from 6:00 AM to 9:30 or so PM. Hopefully lots of people come in to make the day go fast!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Harvest complete

We finished the harvest on Thursday. Thank God for no breakdowns and no combine fires. More thankful than ever because last night on the way to Tipton we saw a combine burning in the field. It was just 3 miles west of us and the combine was ablaze when we went by; fire engines there already. Made me really thankful we were done with no trouble. This combine is owned by a farmer with lots of acres; hopefully they will get a loaner and get the corn in the bin.

Wonderful trip yesterday to Ames to see all the Kibbes and Lynne too. What a sweet family and of course getting to hold Noelle was nice too. Laura is truly Martha Stewart! Thanks to Sherrie for driving.

Tonight is the silly supper at Circle. When I get home from volunteering at school this afternoon I have to pack up and head back to Lowden to church. Busy day.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dust and bugs

At least twice a day I get to vacumn up flies, those lady bug type things and box elder bugs. I haven't had box elder bugs for a few years but they are thick this year. The lady bugs sit on the ceiling of the parlor and my bedroom and the flies are all over! It must be the hot dry weather bringing them out.

The fields are dusty. It doesn't take but a round and the combine windows are full of dust again. The corn is really dry for which we are thankful. But. Ben and I got a lesson on what to do if the combine starts on fire--like here is the fire extinguisher in this red holder and to use it you pull the pin and squeeze the lever. Take the combine out of the standing corn. After he scared the ____ out of me he left Ben and me alone in the field while he hauled corn to town. There have been a lot of combine fires in the area. I guess he heard the fire company goes out at least once a day. Word was Bob Rowold burnt up his combine. So I am paranoid now if I smell a whiff of what I might think is a fire (usually it is just the diesel smoke from Ben's tractor or I turned and it is the combine diesel smoke). Less than 200 acres to go--we will be done this week.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bean harvest complete

We finished combining beans yesterday at 6:40 p.m. We did a few loads of corn this afternoon; tested dry enough to be put into the bin without drying. Good thing--saves on the gas bill! The corn harvest will start in earnest tomorrow, only 400 acres to go.

I was installed as a part of the search committee in church this morning. As a committee we put out a profile of our church in our search for a new pastor. We will also read the profiles of pastors who wish to come to Lowden. Big job, lots of meetings. Committee is full of good people; Aaron Horman being one. We start the night of the 13th.

Monday, September 27, 2010

2010 car cruise part 2

So, more of our ride and eat weekend--which is mainly what we did! After seeing George Stauffer's million dollar cars we visited Little Norway. We took the $10 tour and saw old buildings built by Norwegians back in the day. One interesting building was an international building at the Worlds' Fair in Chicago--built in Norway, reconstructed in Chicago, torn down again and put together (with all the pieces numbered) again in Wisconsin. Our tour guide was interesting and wore a beautiful outfit and jewelry. After that we made our way to Lodi and the Best Western motel. Very nice (and only $63.30)! Our supper meal was at Fitz's On the Lake where the speciality was prime rib and fish. I had cornflake encrusted walleye. Good--wish I had been hungry!

Sunday morning after a small breakfast at the hotel we made our way across the lake on a ferry to Merrimac. No charge for the short ride on the ferry. After all the cars were across we were on our way to Hillcrest for a brunch. We had been there before and knew it was very good. From there we went to the "World Famous Jim Delaney's Shopping Experience". A big warehouse full of everything from food, construction paper, hand cleaners, tools, door knobs--anything and everything you never knew you needed. Bill called it junk. Maybe so. We didn't buy anything!

Finally, to the highlight of our Wisconsin trip for me--the apple orchard. We were at The Oakwood Fruit Farm where I did buy apple cider doughnuts and 2 bags of apples, Honey Crisp and a new kind called Ambrosia. Of course while there you can have an apple to taste and taste a doughnut. Rick was running out of gas so the farmer gave him a couple gallons. The Cedar County cars left for home from there (a couple of us stopped in Dubuque at the casino--I won so it was ok.)

Big weekend, had a good time. Now back to farming. When I got home from school they were combining corn at Bill's mother's. I had a busy day at school from running the die cut machine to copying a music book.

2010 car cruise

This weekend was the Wisconsin car cruise. For my car geek nephews here is a list of the cars with us: a rare '82 Olds 462, '57 Chev, '59 Edsel, '68 Camero, '40 Ford, a couple Nova's, 2005 Corvette, Chev Impala, a '94 & '66 Mustang, Indie special Mustang, '55 Chev, a 60's era Dodge convertible, SSR pickup, '62 Chev, BMW, and Mercury Cougar. Those are the ones I can remember. Our first stop was New Diggings, WI, for lunch at Anton's Saloon, home of the Macho Burger. From there we took winding rustic roads. Going thru Darlington, WI we even got to be part of their Homecoming parade--it was just finishing as we got there so we were at the end of it--one person even asked if we were going to come back next year! Our destination was George Stauffer's car collection of nostaliga race cars, mostly road race cars, a Bentley, a car that had belonged to Queen Elizabeth, a collection of model cars and a brand new, one day old, red Nissan, beautiful car. His collection is worth over $100 million we were told. It is not for public tours; he let us in because he is a good friend of the guy who led our tour.

More later--I'm off to school.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rained out

We actually started corn combining yesterday--at least for a few hours. I even got to run the combine while Larry hauled in with his semi and Bill with the straight truck and Ben running the dump cart. All this came to a quick end with the storm. We could see it coming; felt the air change and knew we had to quickly tarp the truck and get all the equipment up to the road from the waterway where it had been sitting. Just pulled on the road to take everything to Grandma Elijah's when it let loose. Corn is dry enough; tested 18 or so, but the yield isn't as good as last year.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Neighborhood wedding

Saturday night was Jason & Jessie Schroeder's wedding at the Clarence church with a reception in Walcott. Very nice, very simple, very pretty. The church was full, the reception very crowded. Jason is Donna's grandson; Jason & Jessie and their daughter Peyton live a mile west of us. Jason is a farmer and works part time for the post office.

Thursday night we took the Edsel to the car show in Tipton. They had the farmer's market going on and food vendors; games and balloons for the kids. Not very many cars and not too many people. Probably last car "doings" this year is our Wisconsin trip coming up this weekend. Then we can bring the car back home and Grandma can park her car wherever in the garage she wants! Bill talked to her neighbors and they no longer park their cars right behind Grandma's garage. Took Grandma to her chiro appointment Tuesday morning. He still wants to see her every 2 weeks.

Off to school this morning and tonight is Evening Circle at Fox's pond. We always look forward to this meeting and supper. I have to give devotions so hope that turns out ok.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Harvest begins

Larry started combining corn yesterday. They worked the field right south of Clarence. Ben helped by driving the dump cart, Bill used the straight trucks to haul the corn here to the bin and Larry combined. On one trip Bill came in to the house and said "Did Ben call you?" No, he hadn't. Well they had some excitement in town--the corn field caught on fire! What a way to start the season. It all happened while Bill was here--he and I missed out on the whole thing. From what they can figure out, Todd Wynkoop had dumped some hot ashes in the driveway to the field (why, we don't know) and probably when Bill drove thru them to park the truck--in the grass, not in the field--he picked up a hot ember and somehow it got into the field, probably when he turned the truck around to face the road again, and it started the field on fire. Larry was way on the other end of the field when Ben shouted on the CB. Luckily Todd and Tim where at their shop and used their blade and skid stir and the fire company came and we didn't lose much corn. Larry said he put the combine in 3rd gear and tried to combine around the fire as much as he could but at one point decided maybe he was too close to the fire to be safe. All in all, Larry figures he probably only lost about 50 bushels of corn. So much excitement--what can the rest of the season bring?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Old Threshers

Sunday we went to Mt. Pleasant to visit the Old Threshers Reunion. It has been many, many years since I was last there. I know I saw every tractor in Iowa (or maybe even the nation)! Just about every tractor was commented on--so and so had one like this or how did they make this--as we walked down rows and rows of tractors. We sat in the grandstand and watched biggest part of the Parade led off by old cars and then the tractors(again) and the steam engines. We walked thru the old car museum and found where a local Clarence man had set up his little engines that ran a water pump, corn sheller etc. We walked through the arts & craft building (at a run!) and walked through some buildings housing antiques for sale. It was a beautiful day weather wise with just enough wind to remind us what the old threshers must have smelled like--the coal and/or wood smoke, steam belching out, the old whistles on the steam engins. Nice day and was glad to be able to go.

We spent Labor Day having fun too. Rick & Deb and us went to Riverside first thing in the morning (left here at 7:00, back at 11:45) and then went to Klahns for an afternoon of cards with Schroeders and Klahns and a pot luck supper. Home by 9:00. Now back to the real world.

Keep waiting to hear news of a little one from the Kibbe household!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Almost September

August 30th? Are you kidding me? Where did the time go? School started last Wednesday for North Cedar and today will be my first day of volunteering at the elementary school in Lowden. Looking forward to it and hope I can be of some help to the teachers and students.

Had a great day yesterday seeing Shirlee, Dan, Greg, Chelsey and Charley. Of course our great bus driver, Milan, did a great job too! Grandma, Bill, Ashley and Sherrie made up the rest of our party. Had a wonderful lunch and then spent time seeing Greg & Chelsey's house (and new almost garage) and playing with Charley. Thanks everyone.

Saturday afternoon we went to the Village of East Davenport to an antique tractor display. After a quick trip to WalMart we headed to New Liberty to their fireman's steak supper where we ate with Gene & Linda. Good food and company. Friday noon we took Grandma to the park in Lowden for lunch. It was being served to the public and the people on the Lincoln Highway cruise. It is a 3 day tour on the Lincoln Highway. Many cars, both old and new. They spent Friday night in Cedar Rapids, Saturday night in Ames and then to the western border of Iowa. Something we might consider doing next year.

Monday, August 23, 2010

50th class reunion--who me?

Friday night was spent planning my 50th class reunion--no, that can't be!!! Bill & I and 4 others went to Marion to a class mates' condo and out for supper. We are planning a river supper cruise next August. Now to do the letters etc. to get everyone invited.

Sunday we were on a car cruise that started and ended in Bennett. Went thru Clarence, Stanwood, Olin, Wyoming, Monmouth, Baldwin, Maquoketa (where we stopped for a break at the WalMart parking lot and Sherrie, Ashley & Milan came to see us), Lost Nation, Toronto, Wheatland, Big Rock, Dixon and back to Bennett. Nice ride, good weather--just a little hot--good supper served when we got back. We figure about 65 cars. There was a car just like we used to have that Grandpa Fehling drove, 1959 Ford in that greenish blueish color.

Caitlin graduates this week, Caleb is engaged. Congrats to both!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010


From the Sun News and our own Steve Gottschalk: "The common Green Damer dragonflies were flying around in great numbers Saturday, Aug. 14. They are migrating to the south. I have seen this phenomenon several times over the past 27 years, but this was by far the largest. Hopefully they were catching a lot of mosquitoes as they worked their way south."

Monday, August 16, 2010

This and That

Seems like we spent the last week wiping sweat and swatting flies! Today it feels like I should take down the summer decor and put up fall. I know, it is too early for fall but what a beautiful day it is today. The beans are starting to turn in some fields and I noticed brown on the bottom of the corn stalks. Fall can't be too far away.

Lynne, I like the city with one skyscraper title. Laura, we have been wondering how you fared with the flood waters. Thanks for doing your blog and adding the pictures. I check every day to see what is new! Chelsey, we need more pictures!

Not much happened this past week. I got the lawn mowed again and maybe now it won't grow so much. I have picked a lot of cucumbers from my one plant; got some ripe tomatoes, even picked more beans. I love cucumbers but now have more than I can eat. Even made an Asian style cucumber salad that used soy sauce. It was ok, but think I will throw the rest out.

Chiro appt. for mother tomorrow, Bill's 70th birthday is Wednesday--no plans yet. There is a program planned for Tuesday night at the Massillon cemetery for a WWII veteran commemerating his 100th birthday--a Dr. Shick who has hospitals named after him. Bill will be in the Legion color guard. Sounds like it will be interesting. Dr. Shick was the 1st medical officer killed in World War II. I'll let you know how it was next week.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Strange Sightings

Last night around 7:00 p.m. we saw the strangest things in our yard. There were tons and tons of dragon flies being chased around by lots and lots and lots of barn swallows. All of the swooping around as barn swallows do; the dragon flies evidently trying to keep away from the birds. Good thing I didn't have to be outside! Do dragon flies migrate? Is that why there were so many?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Lethargic weather

Just don't feel like doing anything with the rain and heat and humidity. The vacumn pushes so hard across the floor, the windows need washing but it rains all the time and it's too hot. I guess I need a vacation! We did indeed take a very mini-vacation Saturday if doing a whole lot of things in a short time counts as a vacation. We left here at 1:30 to get the Edsel from Mother's garage to be in Clarence at 2:00 to meet the other collectible cars; K C Syring and his hard top convertible; Ron & Kathy Robinson in their Charger and Brian & Becky Bergman in their Mustang. We drove down to Riverside Casino for their car show. Already there was Rick & Deb in their '57 Chevy and Glen & June Gadke in their car (sorry, I don't know what it is). Spent about an hour in the casino, left my money there too! Came back to Clarence for their Highway Buy-Way day car cruise which was just a drive on the Clarence Streets. We left from there, picked up Mother in the Edsel (she loves that) and went to the Lowden Park for their Park Days supper. After taking Mother and the Edsel back to their respective places, we went to Pat & Betty Blake's 50th wedding anniversary reception. Could have eaten supper in any of the places we visited--why did this have to be all on the same night? We heard the Manchester car cruise was Saturday too, missed that.

School here starts the 25th, teachers have to go on the 20th. I told Ann if she needed help before school starts to let me know. She is going to be busy; her daughter's baby is due the 26th if she goes that long and they already know the baby has some issues and will be in intensive care for a little while after she is born. Hope the best for all of them.

Monday, August 2, 2010

My lawn

My lawn is a mess! Thanks to all the rain and the water grass, grass that gets too long before I mow, and the moles, yuk! I have dead grass (if I lived in town I would have to rake) laying all over the lawn. That is except where the mole has dug and left mounds of dirt, and killing the grass wherever he traveled. We have 160 acres here, why does he like my lawn the best? In other horticultural news, I have been getting a cucumber every other day and one of the tomatoes has turned a slight orange. I have had enough green beans to eat with my little 2 foot row. A friend gave me some pole beans and Sherrie brought more cucumbers. Yum!!

Off to get a hair cut this morning; taking Mother to the chiro tomorrow, library on Wednesday and maybe a day out with Vicki on Thursday. This weekend brings a car show at Riverside Casino; Blake's 50th anniversary celebration at the Lowden Legion; Lowden Park Days, Clarence's car show and street dance and the Highway 30 ByWay garage sales. I think those are all on Saturday. Where to go, where to go.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Shopping and Cruising

Shirlee and I spent Friday quilt shop hopping. Thanks to her knowledge of Des Moines and willingness to drive, I got to see 4 very nice quilt shops. Highlight of the day was the shop in Ames and going to Laura's to see her and her beautiful children. Thanks, Shirlee. Now I still have to put my stash away.

Saturday was the benefit for Ross Butterbrodt with a bean bag toss tournament which Sue entered. There was a car show and shine in which we put the Edsel. After the supper they had the auction of many, many items and there was a silent auction also. Hopefully a lot of money was donated to a very deserving family.

Yesterday after spending the morning doing corn; we took the Edsel to Tipton for a show at the retirement home and then on a cruise through Clarence past Ross' house, Oxford Junction and Anamosa to Stone City where the majority of the cruisers ate supper. We left from there and picked up Mother to go to the Lowden Lions' pork chop sandwich/sweet corn supper. Today--back to reality!

Monday, July 19, 2010

American Pickers

Went to LeClaire Friday with 3 neighbor ladies. The first thing we did was look for American Pickers only to find they didn't open until noon. So naturally our first stop then was the quilt store. After stops at a few shops and lunch we went to the little place that held the junk/antiques I saw purchased on American Pickers on the History channel. The office gal, Danielle, is really very nice. She sure does have a lot of tats! A lot of people were there checking out the place (like us) but I didn't see anyone buying anything. Pictures were being taken. Imagine having a tv show based in a little town in Iowa! Fun day in LeClaire visiting shops. We then drove down to the Villages of East Davenport for more walking and shopping. It was hot but not as bad as last Wednesday was.

Bill & Ron R. trailered their M and MD down to the antique tractor pull at the Cedar Co. fair yesterday. Both came home with 2 trophies, (no money, darn!). Bill got a 1st & 2nd and Ron a 1st and 3rd. There are different weight classes you can enter depending on what tractor weights you add. Bill said the weights weighed more than they used to. He also had to have his nephew Ron drive in one class because of a weight issue. They had fun though and that was the main thing.

Monday, July 12, 2010

It's foggy

What a foggy day! I can barely see the road from the house; but Bill has been out and about already. We had a little rain yesterday, but not much. We are so better off than southern Iowa. The beans and corn for the most part look good around here.

We had company yesterday, Florence and Harlan came out to play cards in the afternoon. We hadn't gotten together with them for a long time so since I was sitting by Florence in church, I just asked if they would like to come out. She was surprised and pleased by the invitation. We had a good visit. Then Milan, Sherrie & Ashley came out in the evening. We let Sherrie win the rummy games and had a good visit.

We left Saturday noon to take my sewing machine to Iowa City to Shields to get it oiled and cleaned and then came back thru Nichols and Moscow. We stopped at 2 road side stands and got cucumbers, sweet corn, tomatoes and a green pepper. I think the sweet corn needed another day or two in the field, likewise the tomato, but fresh vegetables are the way to go. We will have our own sweet corn in a week or two I think. I even picked one small handfull of green beans from the 2 foot row I have planted in my flower bed! Summer is here!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4, 2010

Hope everyone had a great 4th. We did. I started by going to church. Around 11:00 we went to Lowden to get the Edsel, picked up Bob & Donna in Clarence and then to Mechanicsville for their pork sandwich dinner. Meal was good and afterwards we drove around McVille (that took 5 minutes!). From there we went to Tipton to line up for the parade. Donna & I sat and visited while the men talked farm with others waiting for the parade to begin. When you are in a parade you don't get to see much of it, but there were lots of spectators and a lot of kids just wanting candy. We decided not to throw candy because there is so much of it and a lot just winds up on the street anyway. We waved at a lot of people we knew from Clarence & Lowden watching the parade. At least no tragedy like in Bellview. We left Bob & Donna off at their house, took the Edsel back to Mother's garage and came home to get supper ready for Bob & Donna & Marilyn & Aldie. We played a few hands of cards and then grilled hamburgers. Supper was good--punctuated by the wind blowing off the screen above my kitchen sink and knocking over a piece of pottery I had on the window sill and breaking it. After supper we played some Michigan Rummy and Aggravation before company left. No fire works for these old people. It was rainy off and on and nobody was in the mood to go watch.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Walk

I don't very often recommend a book, but you should read this one. Vicki said it was a good book, a fast read and a thought provoking book. It is. I read it in 2 hours. It is written by the author of A Christmas Box, Richard Paul Evans. Let me know what you think of it.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Just a little bit about our Circle tour to Independence. Everything went well and those that went on the trip enjoyed it. It's sort of scary planning a trip that you hope everybody will like. The trip up to Independence went fine; nobody sped on I-380 where the speed cameras are! The museum or the Agribition Center as it is called is a very nice place. Even though Joy and I had been there before there was still a lot to see. Bill enjoyed looking at the old cars; there was a very old Packard there that I love, it was pristine. The back seat has its own windshield! The guys who went (there were 4) spent some time looking at Big Bud, the huge tractor on display. Some of the women who went are taking their families up there to see it. The one room school house was so fun to see, clean and neat. We had a great lunch at the Homestead, a special for the day for $5.99 that included a sandwich, one side and drink. From there we drove past the Mental Institution (we all stayed in the car so they couldn't keep us) which has beautiful grounds and is an impressive but old building. Hazleton and the Amish was the next stop. We stopped at 2 country stores and drove through some of the Amish country. Saw little kids riding in a little pony cart; someone cultivating corn with horses; one man mowing hay with a horse, lots of laundry on the line, gorgeous gardens.

Now I need ideas for a tour for next year as I "get" to stay on the project committee. Let me know if you have a place of interest for us to see!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Don't try this at home

Wednesday at story hour at the library. Tried to make a boat using a small water bottle, some vinegar and some soda wrapped in a paper napkin. Put small pin hole in lid of bottle; put vinegar in bottle, put some soda on a paper napkin and wrap up tightly so it fits in the bottle; quickly put the cap on and put bottle in small wading pool filled with water. Reaction--bubbles released make bottle move. Our reaction--next to nothing. Then try not using as much paper napkin, works better but still try something else like putting more vinegar and less napkin. Results--lid pops off spraying surrounding kids with vinegar. Some laugh, others wipe their eyes and wonder what the heck they are doing there! Next--librarian and helper clean up kids, floor and surrounding area. Have kids use cups to get water out of wading pool so can be dumped out. Take out plastic cloths from floor to dry. Helper goes home to mow lawn. Librarian stuck there until 7 p.m.

Monday, June 14, 2010

It's Raining, Again

I woke up to the sound of more rain. It needs to stop. My lawn needs mowing!

We were invited to a birthday party for a 4 year old/see the new shed party Saturday night. Jeff and Carrie built a big shed to house hay and feed for his cattle and we got to see it up close. Since it was newly cemented out and unused the little ones had a lot of fun riding bikes, trikes and little tractors around and around. I also got to hold and feed little Emily, just a month old. Jeff fixed burgers and hot dogs for a few neighbors and relatives. Nice time.

Went to a few garage sales Saturday in Lowden. I did buy some things; all new though. I got 2 new cookbooks (I really need more cookbooks?) and some new Tupperware from a dealer that were a little below full price (make a good gift for a granddaughter who has a birthday in July) and some Watkins products from a dealer. I didn't really need anything, but was a good walk. Took the Amvets key back to Del and stopped to visit Gerald R. while walking past there. Got Mother's mail. I missed the rain which started early and then came again later. Enough already!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Long Election Day

I worked at the polls yesterday for the primary election. What a long day; we had to be there at 6 a.m. and I got home around 10:45 p.m. after taking all our machines back to Tipton. We were sort of busy, had 199 voters, the last one coming in 3 minutes before the polls closed. I am chairman of our group of 4 workers; my 3 co-workers are very good and it makes my job easy.

Cheryl & Jim leave today to go back to California. How lucky we were to have them at Grandma's house--even though I don't think they thought they would be doing what they did on their "vacation". Jim has learned how to drive to St. Luke's Hospital! At least we had a good Friday trip--it was fun and I love Iron and Lace. Sunday's family picnic was great; so many people I hadn't seen for a long time. Also got to see Greg, Chelsey & Charley and on Monday got to see Laura, Emily and Dallas. Thank you for coming; I'm sure Grandma really enjoyed seeing you all. Thanks to Shirlee and Dan for taking care of Grandma on Sunday and we hope you made a safe trip home from here.

I'm off to volunteer at the library this morning and then we will be taking the Hartley's to the airport this afternoon. Larry is here; they are loading a semi with beans from the bin. Hopefully the bean dust won't settle on the two loads of wash I have hanging on the line.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

I hope everyone is remembering our service men and women today. We think of Caleb often as he is training for his tour in Afghanastan. We put the flags up in the Lowden Cemetery Saturday morning. It was so pretty with them blowing in the east breeze. There was a lot of help so it didn't take long to get them up. I was honored to hang the one that was in memory of Grandpa Horman. We will take them down Tuesday morning. By each flag there is a stake with a name on it in honor of the veteran. This morning we will go to the Memorial Day service at the Legion Hall in Lowden. Bill will take part in the service with the other members of the Legion and Amvets. Our speaker will be Commander Quick of the U S Navy; he is the husband of Diane Gottschalk. Does anyone remember her?

Looking forward to seeing everyone next Sunday. Church is at 9:00, pictures afterward, then picnic dinner at the Amvets Hall. See you then.

Monday, May 24, 2010

It's Hot

Whew, what weather! This is not what May is supposed to be like. Had to uncover the air conditioner yesterday but haven't turned it on yet; maybe today if it stays so hot.

Saturday afternoon was busy with 4 graduation parties and a 40th anniversary surprise party. They had beautiful weather for everything and great food too! One party had the Olive Garden food--they made it themselves but served the pasta, salad and bread sticks. An unusual idea I thought. Doesn't seem like a year ago that Ben and Caitlin graduated.

Picked a bouquet of peonies this morning, they don't usually bloom till Memorial Day. Larry is ready to spray corn starting maybe tomorrow. Everything is a little bit early this year.

Have a fun Memorial Day everyone.

Monday, May 17, 2010

New baby in the family

Congratulations to Greg and Chelsey on their new son. Hopefully we get to see him soon! Two more family members awaiting; Angie is (I heard in church yesterday) really ready to have this new baby born and Megan has a firm date of June 11th set if she doesn't go before then. Way to go girls!

We went to Houby Days in Cedar Rapids on Saturday; they had a car show so we took the Edsel and Sawyer's took the '57 and Glen took his car. Nice day for a car show; not too hot and not too cool. Deb and I walked the block where booths were set up and went into some stores. This is the area where the flood was and we saw lots of houses that were boarded up and to me looked like they were ready to be torn down. How sad. We ate lunch there--I tried a North Carolina pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw, very good. We saw the parade and the beautiful Czech embroidered clothes. One more thing crossed off my bucket list!

Monday, May 10, 2010

A visit to Kalona

On Saturday, Bob & Donna Schroeder took us along to Kalona. They knew the people that were having an open house at a furniture retail store. What a wonderful place full of big Amish furniture--bedroom suites, rockers, tables & chairs, and much more. They even served a free lunch of hotdogs or hot ham and cheese sandwiches, chips, fresh donuts and ice cream plus soda or water. After that we drove around to see some of the farms where Bob had collected milk when he did a milk route down there. We stopped at a farm and since they were home and invited us in we got to go into the house and visit with the couple. They have 10 children, 8 of them girls. The second oldest is getting married the end of May; they are planning on 500 people coming to their farm for the wedding. All of the food will be made there; they will set up 5 cook stoves in their machine shed and women from the neighborhood and relatives will come to make at least 75 pies, mashed potatoes and gravy; dressing; and a meat loaf made of hamburger, ground chicken and ground weiners. Mrs. Gruber or Graber (I can't remember her name for sure) was taking this all in stride--she was making homemade laundry and hand soap while we were there. The bride-to-be and her husband-to-be came (in their horse & buggy) home from going to garage sales in Kalona with their faces all red and they had to have been cold. Remember how cold and windy it was Saturday? From there we visited a greenhouse at another farm where Bob knew the people. Donna & I HAD to get some plants along with fresh eggs. At this farm they grew and butchered chickens and as we could smell, raised hogs. Such lovely people. Another stop at a country store where we bought a really, really good chocolate angel food cake, got some cheese curds at the Kalona Cheese factory and stopped for an early supper-late lunch at a tavern in Riverside. Fun day.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May already?

OK, so where has this year gone? They say the older you get, the faster the time goes? Anyone else believe this?

This past week was a busy one again. Monday I helped put the church newsletter together and had a hair cut. Tuesday Joy and I went to Independence to preview a tour we are leading for Evening Circle. We stopped at the new agriculture museum and got to see Big Bud, the biggest tractor ever! Very nice museum, a lot of interactive things for kids to do (Em & even Dallas would like it); they have baby animals including just hatched baby chicks. Baby chicks are only cute while they don't have feathers! From there we ate lunch at a place very close to the museum, we visited The Little Red Schoolhouse which we had seen advertised; but it didn't live up to our expectations--no need to go there again. It is a gift shop, but nothing different than any other place. From there we headed up to the Amish area north of Independence near Hazelton and stopped at five or so general stores, all in the country at their homes. Back to Independence and a stop at the quilt shop for me while Joy visited some other stores. We will definitely plan this for our Circle tour in June and even invite husbands as we think they will enjoy the agri museum.

Thursday I worked at school and Friday I worked at the library all day as Vicki had a vacation day. She had a list of things for me to do so that made the day go faster. Had lunch at the tavern with Bonnie and Joy. We joined the James' for supper at Lost Nation that night. Saturday was a baby shower for Buffi Sawyer Honeck and her little Jacoby. Yesterday was church; choir practice for North Cedar baccalaureate and supper at the Lowden fire station.

Now today--I've vacumned and dusted; have wash to hang out and lawn to mow.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Busy Week

The rain left us with 130 acres of corn to plant. We needed the rain though, it was too dusty. Larry said the fields were so dry it was hard to get the seed into the ground with the planter. The rain guage here said .5 inches on Saturday and yesterday I dumped out 1.2 inches.

The big news of the week? They came and installed the cable tv on Tuesday. We had been looking forward to that for nearly half a year. Now all three tv's can get a different channel (which means I don't have to see an old western if I want to watch tv). It is working well. Along with that came a higher speed internet and our phone lines run on the the fiber optic. There is also 100 minutes of long distance on our land line. We'll see if it is worth it when we get the bill! Only down side is no phone in Bill's machine shed--they are charging $16 a month for phones in outbuildings!

Off to church the help put the newsletter together. Tomorrow is a trip to Independence to see Big Bud (the huge tractor at the museum). We are going to see if we will take Evening Circle there on our tour in June.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Planting is Started

Larry was planting corn when I got home from church yesterday. We are done here at home and at the farm by Clarence. I mowed the lawn yesterday and now wish I had done the yard too; it is not as warm as yesterday. Went to school this morning and read MAP tests to 2 students. Some of those words I couldn't pronounce. Maybe you should be smarter than a 5th grader!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ready to go

The corn planter is ready to go. The seed corn was delivered this past week. The planter is filled with insecticide. Now we need some warm weather just like the kind we had last week. Frost on the lawn yesterday and this morning.

I spent Thursday at school typing the 5th graders patriotic essays. It is an assigned class in that they have to write an essay for a Lion's Club contest. For the most part I felt the kids didn't know what "patriotic" means. I read one really good essay and the rest were so-so. Glad it isn't my job to judge them.

Friday night was the Legion's final fish fry of the year. We went with Rick and Deb and sat with Gayle Mess & her husband (I don't know her married name). They are good conversationalists and we had a good time. 221 people were served; almost more than they served at our church dinner Sunday.

I am going to start work on invitations to mother's birthday and Horman reunion this week.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Baby J's first shower

What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon. What a wonderful shower Laura and Lynne put on. What wonderful food they served and games they played. Good job, nieces of mine! All those great gifts for Baby J. I know Chelsey and Greg appreciate the thoughtfulness put into everything. Also enjoyed the trip down and back; Sherrie is an awesome driver. Not even one wrong turn!

The lawn is ready to mow; maybe tomorrow. Today we "have" to go to Cedar Rapids to get parts for the Gold Wing; and also "my" toaster quit working this morning so we need a new one for "his" breakfast! Do you suppose we could work in a stop at a quilt shop?

Just read Lisa Scottoline's book, Think Twice. Very good, I highly recommend it. Not a book you can put down, so be sure you have time to read.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reading Scholarship Applications

My newest volunteer job is being on the Margaret Dallas Scholarship Committee. 3 of us from the North Cedar School District read and rated 16 scholarship applications in the past few days. It is an interesting experience. Almost all of the apps had all A's or almost all A's on their high school transcripts. It was hard to find the best ones as they were all worthy.

My new carpet is in. After months of waiting and hours of carrying everything out of the 3 rooms; it took less than 5 hours to install the new carpet. The "new smell" is almost gone, or maybe I just don't notice it so much. My old carpet was at least 20 years old; I don't believe I will ever have to replace carpet downstairs again. Now I want carpet upstairs; maybe if I forget how much work it is!

Hope everyone had a great Easter and that Dallas is feeling well again.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring is Here!

It was another busy week. Wednesday I volunteered at the library. Vicki had the story hour kids make a bottle filled with half water and half corn syrup and things found "U"nder the Sea. She had little shells, some leaves (for seaweed), glitter and other little things. She used the little water bottles and after the kids put what they wanted in their bottle, she hot glued the lids on, the kids shook them and thought they had made something great. Such fun for them. Vicki is about done with the alphabet and is going to do XYZ as "The End" and it will be the last story hour until summer reading starts. Thursday was school and I gave a few kids their Basic Skills test, well, I just timed them and also helped with math again. Story problems, yech! Good thing Ann gave me the answer book! Thursday night Bill and I and Alvin Licht served tacos at the Legion. We had 99 orders and were kept hopping for a couple hours. Friday night we took Klahns along to the fish fry in Delmar where Milan was busy serving baked potatoes and Sherrie and Ashley cleaned tables and served coffee etc. The food was really good. After we got back to Lowden we played cards until the UNI game and then played Aggravation during the time outs! Saturday we went with Klahns again to the Plummer Family Show in Maquoketa. Good show, but only people who like the old time country tunes would have enjoyed it. We stopped at Obie's for a beer (and bathroom) on the way home and were home by 6:00.

Bill has been working for JJJ, hauling lime, hauling burned beans out of a burning bin, and gravel. Although he complains the roads are rough, he really enjoys the work and the guys he works with.

Pastor Mark Buck started with our church this past week and had his first service yesterday. Church was fuller than usual, saw some who hadn't been in church for a long time. Maybe change is good.

Monday, March 22, 2010

UNI wins!

How exciting for Iowa; UNI winning; the Iowa wrestling team winning; the Iowa girls winning their first round game. We'll see what happens this weekend!

Had card club here Saturday night preceeded by supper at the 3-30 Club in Lowden. We had a very nice supper with good food and a surprise birthday ice cream for Teresa Lillienthal (who is Adam Horman's mother-in-law) as it was her birthday Saturday. Cards were fun and prizes won by Ann & Bob Pruess, Gary Deerberg and Duane Stonerook. I served brownies and ice cream for desssert.

Our interim, Pastor Mark Buck, starts tomorrow. Yesterday Aaron Horman led the worship service. His sermon (which he wrote himself) was about change--personally for him as they expect their new baby and change for our church. Megan said Sunday that she gets a shot each week to hopefully keep her from starting labor early as she did when Carter was born. She is a week ahead of last time when she had to spend so much time in the hospital before Carter's birth. We all pray she can continue carrying this baby to full term. So many additions to our extended family, how wonderful!

The snow we had Friday night/Saturday morning is just about gone, although it is still cold this morning. Looking forward to some warmer weather.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Snow is gone (almost)

The sun is shining and no rain in sight. Hooray! Went for a walk yesterday with just a jacket and cap and was very comfortable.

We have been adopted! By a black lab-type dog and another shaggier dog that came Friday and have stayed. They must belong to someone, the lab dog is very friendly and can sit and shake hands, is wearing a collar and seems very nice. The other dog is more stand-offish and is full of cockleburs. Don't know where they came from and we think the owners would be looking for them. They went along for my walk yesterday and neither one ventured further down the road as if going towards their home. Really don't want any dog, let alone two. The cats have disappeared!

This week promises to be eventful, with Circle tonight at the Clarence Nursing Home and tomorrow Joy and I serve the Committee on Ministry at church a noon meal. Wednesday at the library and Thursday at school. Then we have card club here Saturday night. I better get busy, my house needs to be cleaned.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

is spring here?

Another busy week culminating with the celebration of Klahn's 50th anniversary. A reception was held in our church yesterday afternoon where 5 of us from Circle served cake and ice cream to almost 200 people, although Marilyn was ready for 400 and she had to take home 195 pieces of cake that wasn't eaten. Marilyn's mother was taken to the hospital Friday with pneumonia and wasn't doing real well and we hope the best for her.

Pastor Barb officiated at her 3rd funeral of the week Saturday morning. Monday we went to Stan Boedeker's funeral; Wednesday I helped serve the luncheon after Howard Fisher's funeral and Saturday Bill helped with military services for Walter Lafrenz. Hope this string of deaths is over. We have lost more from our church this year so far than we did all of last year.

Thursday I spent nearly the whole day helping in Ann's math classes. She was trying to teach adding and subtracting fractions. Must be a hard concept to get. No, 1/2 and 1/3 is not 2/5 and if you knew that one half of 6 is 3, it would be a lot easier. 8/8 is the same as 1 just like 3/3 is the same as 1. Gosh, I thought that 6th graders would know this. It seems to me a lot of the kids are going to be lost next year and the next. Of course, I work with the ones that need the most help; maybe it isn't as bad as I think. Iowa Basic Skills tests are coming up and Ann is trying to teach these fractions so they do better on the tests. I don't always agree we should teach to the tests as they say.

This week I will make some lasagna to take to the supper Evening Circle provides before the Lenten Service at our church. Something I've only done once or twice. Hope it turns out!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Isn't the sun shine great?

It is a pretty morning; although cold. Like to see the sun shine. Maybe it did start shining a little early this morning; card club last night and we didn't get home till 12:45 which is really late for me! Bill won low prize, me nothing. Next month we are the hosts and we are planning a dinner at the 3-30 club before cards here. For some reason I always get to have the last card club of the season and get to plan the dinner.

Will be spending a lot of time at church this coming week with funerals and Klahn's 50th anniversary. Luckily I have the time and can help out. I was looking through cookbooks to see what food I want to take to which funeral. Today we are going to the Lion's spaghetti bake lunch before going shopping for an anniversary gift for Klahns and going to Stan Boedeker's visitation. Friday night we went to the Legion fish fry. It went over so well they are planning another one in March.

Thursday was a short day at school because of conferences. I was busy though with helping Ann's math students do work with fractions. If this gets any harder I am going to have to go back the grade school to volunteer or else take the class along with the 5th graders.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

more snow on the way?

The weather forecast is for more snow, can't tell it now; maybe after church?

An uneventful week really, not much going on. I did go to my first Tupperware party in ages; surprised to find they still sell the kid's plastic ball that shapes go in--I still have the one my kids had! I learned more about geometry at school on Thursday and helped 2 kids do division problems; they had missed all of the 10 problems so we worked on that. 2 of the teachers' mothers had had accidents, and both have back problems from them. Mrs. Roelf was in Africa on safari when the bus she was in hit a bump and she hit her head on the roof causing a compression. Ouch! The other one had a car accident on black ice and rolled her car many times and also injured her back.

Wednesday night was Ash Wednesday service at our church. Choir sang and we were so surprised to see the church full of people when we walked in. We are used to seeing maybe 20-30 people! Most of the people there were from Clarence and Wheatland. Nice service; Rev. Mears did the sermon. As most people know Pastor Barb has only 3 Sundays left before she is done.

Friday we took recycling to the recycling center south of Tipton and then went on to Muscatine where we walked thru the Farm and Fleet store and also went to HyVee. Yesterday we took a drive up a little north of Andrew to look at a tractor at a consignment sale, except that the tractor wasn't there. Nice ride though; pretty area north of Andrew.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Busy week

This past week was a good one. Wednesday I helped at the library and Thursday at school. And to my teacher sisters: I learned a little bit about geometry. I now know what a ray, line and segment are, and the meaning of vertex and parallel. Of course, that was the 5th grade class!

On Friday, Deb Sawyer and I ventured to Iowa City to have Caitlin cut my hair. Besides getting a hair cut, we took advantage of the make-up demonstration that LaJames was doing and both Deb and I got our make-up done. After that we went to the Ped Mall for lunch and looking around. Great to have a tour guide for the day. (Rick's 3 girls went to Iowa to college so Deb knew her way around.) Friday night Bob & Donna Schroeder went with us to Marcia Kleppe's mom's visitation in Olin, to Hale for supper and back to Schroeder's for a few games of cards.

Saturday night was the Legion Beef supper, always a big event for Bill. Over 600 people came to eat and we served around 200 of them at carry-out where I helped. Milan and Sherrie came and we visited until time to go home. Yesterday I went to church and then Bill watched (or slept and snored) thru the Daytona 500. No big Valentine Day for us!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


A thank you to the James for hosting a great wedding reception. A big crowd came to wish Julie & Jason well and a lot of tacos eaten. The cake was really good (I had 2 pieces) and there were a lot of comments on how pretty everything was. It was good to see everyone again except I didn't get to talk to Shirlee & Dan very much. Greg, Chelsey, Amanda and Tommy spent the night and wouldn't let me fix them breakfast. Hope they didn't mind sleeping here too much, although Chelsey will say she wasn't tired and couldn't sleep!

So much snow again with a big drift behind the garage. I need to go to Lowden to serve at a funeral for Leona Helmold this afternoon. Maybe I will get to drive the big 4-wheel pickup!

Friday, February 5, 2010

It's February

Nothing much to write about this week. Sunday night we went to Bluff Lake with Sherrie, Milan, Ashley, Julie & Jason and played cards at their house. This was after church in the morning and a quick trip to Cedar Rapids to take a car load of things to Good Will.

Wednesday I volunteered at the library and enjoyed seeing the little ones at story hour. Carter Horman even called me by name; it is so fun seeing the kids grow since they started coming to story hour. Aldie Klahn had surgery; a new knee was needed and installed!

Thursday I volunteered at school; helped to tried to help some of the 5th & 6th graders with their English/spelling and a little bit with math; now they are multiplying decimals. That I can still do! Went to Tipton this morning to WalMart and the grocery store, saw a little bit of snow but not much. Looking forward to Saturday night. See you all then.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fun Friday

Last night we went to our first basketball game of the season (about time since the season is about over!). Bill picked a good one to go to; we played Mid Prairie and the girls lost by just a couple points. Between games the school honored Ashley Himes with a Wall of Fame, 250 pictures on the hall wall of students from Stanwood, Mechanicsville, Clarence & Lowden schools, Clarence-Lowden School and North Cedar that have attained "celebrity" status, either in sports or the fine arts. They presented Ashley's parents with a plaque and dedicated the wall to her memory. The boys game was very close and NC won by 2 points in an over-time. After the game Bill, Larry & I visited the wall to see Bill's Mom's picture (basketball in 1943 I think), Larry's picture from when he was all-state football, and Caleb's wrestling picture. There are all kinds of pictures and worth the look-see.

I volunteered at school yesterday. Mrs. Pruess was gone on a 6th grade trip so didn't have to tax my mind trying to figure out the math she teaches to 5th & 6th graders. I got to work with 5th graders with spelling and English and put grades in the computer for Mrs. Hoffmeier. Much more my speed.

Thursday night Joy & I went to Maquoketa to see the movie "It's Complicated". Really enjoyed the movie and realize I should go to more movies. They say Blindsided is one to see.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday play

Yesterday afternoon Bill and I went with Klahns to see a play in Tipton put on by the Cedar County Stop Light Players called Whose Wives Are They Anyway. It was so funny and made better because we knew four of the actors; Bryon Schroeder (Bob & Donna's 3rd boy); Chris Scheer (he was in Sue's class in school); Jenny Schroeder (who was married to Vern & Carol Schroeder's son Craig) and Lena Mears (Rev. Mear's wife). Bryon and Chris were the leads and so funny. If you get a chance to see the play, do so. Even Bill enjoyed it though I had to twist his arm to go.

We were saddened by the news of Darlene James' death. Our sympathies to the whole James family. It will be nice to have Jason & Julie home for a while.

Now that some of the ice is gone, we are having snow to cover it up! Isn't Iowa weather great?

Friday, January 22, 2010


Another day of staying home. The ice covers the east side of the house, so completely that on Wednesday we could not get the front door open to go outside until Bill banged on the door to break the ice seal. All the east windows were completely covered with ice preventing seeing out. I tried using the dryer yesterday and thankfully checked it in a few minutes because it was hot--the dryer vent to the outside was frozen shut. Hopefully it will warm up some today so that we can get the ice off the sidewalks (at least a path to the garage).

Bill has been sick with the stomach flu and hasn't eaten a meal since Tuesday night. He has had toast but sometimes that doesn't stay with him. Doesn't have a fever or anything and is hopefully feeling better today.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

no school again

Don't you love this weather? No volunteering at the library today for me. It hasn't started yet, but the weatherman says soon we shall have ice covered roads.

Got to Cedar Rapids yesterday afternoon to return some things; made the whole circuit; from Marion where I took some items to Goodwill, to Kohls out by Lindale, to Pennys at Westdale and then to Walmart where Bill bought himself some shoes. That was my excitement for the day.

Monday night was Evening Circle; a fun night where we played Bingo and I actually won once. We have a great bunch of ladies and I really enjoy going. Next month we will be making little cherry pies which we will take to elderly and shut-ins as a gift for President's Day. We had a great time with that last year.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Thanks to those who read yesterday's blog. Got an email from sister in CA wondering how she would find the blog. I really don't know; one of you email and tell her! I check Laura, Lynne and Shirlee's blog every day. I really enjoy knowing what is going on with them. Went to church yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon finished reading my book. Maybe more to write about tomorrow. Stay safe in the fog!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm going to try this

Hi everyone, I am going to see if I can do this. Bear with me.

It was a good week. I got to go away for 5 of the 7 days. Yesterday was great. Sherrie, Ashley and I followed Ellen down to Iowa City so she could show us where Caitlin goes to school. Then Sherrie got a hair cut and style and I got a perm. Even though I smell like perm (or as Caitlin said like arm pit) I like my new body and curls and Sherrie's hair looks terrific. We left before Ellen got her hair done so haven't seen how beautiful she is. We ate lunch together at Applebee's and then toured New Pioneer Coop before coming home. Last night we went with Rick and Deb Sawyer to Monticello for supper. Great day.

Let me know if anyone read this!