The sun is shining and no rain in sight. Hooray! Went for a walk yesterday with just a jacket and cap and was very comfortable.
We have been adopted! By a black lab-type dog and another shaggier dog that came Friday and have stayed. They must belong to someone, the lab dog is very friendly and can sit and shake hands, is wearing a collar and seems very nice. The other dog is more stand-offish and is full of cockleburs. Don't know where they came from and we think the owners would be looking for them. They went along for my walk yesterday and neither one ventured further down the road as if going towards their home. Really don't want any dog, let alone two. The cats have disappeared!
This week promises to be eventful, with Circle tonight at the Clarence Nursing Home and tomorrow Joy and I serve the Committee on Ministry at church a noon meal. Wednesday at the library and Thursday at school. Then we have card club here Saturday night. I better get busy, my house needs to be cleaned.
Update on Bo
9 months ago
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