I've been taking wallpaper off my bedroom this past week. I will NEVER EVER put wallpaper on any wall. The top layer of the paper came off fairly easy, mainly because the seams have been loose for years anyway. The bottom layer came off ok with a squirt of fabric softner in water. That was on my old plaster walls. But the wallpaper on the closet walls which we built years ago didn't want to come off. Bill's nephew Mike is going to paint for me and he recommended DIF. You spray that on after scoring the wallpaper. Well, there is some wallboard missing now too. The plaster walls are rough--Neal says he can put a couple coats of skim (whatever?) on the walls, do you suppose that works on wallboard too? Otherwise I have a mess! Mike is a professional painter and I want the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom painted before Christmas. He thought he could get it done. I hope so. At least the bathroom and kitchen. Nobody is going to see the bedroom anyway.
Yesterday the search committee hosted a potluck after church to get the congregation's opinion on some of the questions on our church profile. We had almost 60 people stay for the question and answer session and we consider it a success. Next meeting Thursday night.
Update on Bo
9 months ago
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