The week started with Sherrie's phone call about Jason's accident. Jason was a very lucky man and I sure wish people will move over when they see an officer or DOT worker parked on the side of the road.
Mother had a dr. appt. Monday but Nancy said she could not find anything wrong with her. Mother's biggest complaint was she had no pep. Nancy asked her if being 91 had anything to do with that! Her urinary infection was cleared up; they did take some blood but I haven't heard the results of any of those tests.
Yesterday I was supposed to serve the Committee on Ministry at church but because of the weather the meeting was cancelled. Now I have lots of chili in the freezer and ham and cheese to make oven baked hot ham and cheese sandwiches. I also made a spread to put on the sandwich; butter, horseradish mustard, onion,dill weed and poppy seed. Puts a little more taste in what is a bland sandwich. I got my hair cut yesterday afternoon and stopped to give Pastor Steve tickets for the beef supper and ask him to stop and see Mother. He had already given her a call when I called her later in the afternoon.
I just talked to Mother and she said she felt better than she did yesterday but still doesn't have any pep! She probably worked harder this morning already than I will all day! She sounded fine but was worried about her friend Lillian (100 years old) who fell yesterday and broke her leg. Poor Lillian, it is going to be hard for her to heal, I would think.
Monday night we had Evening Circle meeting with a fun night. Played an interesting game--we had to pop a balloon that had a note inside. The note gave you a question to answer or something to do. Julie had to do the "hokey-pokey"; I had to name the Sunday School teachers. One was name 3 women in the Old Testament and other religious questions. Fun trying to pop the balloon. An idea for a kids party too.
Having cook book committee meeting here tomorrow. Hopefully the rest of the week is better than the first few days!