We finished the bean harvest on Sunday. We finished ours on Saturday afternoon and then moved over to do Don Stolte's beans. He has been sick and we did his 107 acres with 3 combines, 2 semi's, 2 straight trucks, 2 dump carts and drivers in just six hours; some Saturday evening and then again Sunday. He brought sandwiches to the field for lunch and then had us over for beer and food after we got everything moved back home. Ben was pulling the grain platform home on the cart when he noticed the front tire on the cart was shredded! He pulled over to the side of the road; and when he came here with only the pickup we were very scared he had lost the cart with the expensive grain platform. We were glad it was just a flat tire! We pulled a tire off the other cart; changed the tire; and were good to go again. I was so glad I wasn't driving! The guys are doing some corn but it is slow going. The corn is down (from all the wind) and it is hard to see to keep the combine on the rows. Therefore, I haven't had to run the combine yet. There is a lot of ears dropping on the ground, either they have been blown off or when the combine hits the stalk the ears drop to the ground. Hopefully all the fields aren't as bad as the one they are in.
Friday night's Legion fish fry went very well. We fed over 220 people and thought that was good considering the weather was good and people were in the fields and the fact there was a football game.
Our search committee is busy making plans for the candidating weekend with Pastor Stepp. We will have a congregational dessert open house on Saturday (the 22nd) afternoon and after that the search committee will take Pastor and his wife to the country club for supper. Sunday after services we will have lunch with the Stepps and the church council. Can't wait for it to be all over!
Update on Bo
9 months ago
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