Thursday, May 26, 2011

Even little ones stink

While pulling weeds on the west side of the house this afternoon I was startled to see 5 or so baby skunks right by the step for the door of the living room. A couple days ago a adult skunk was walking around on the lawn south of the house and Bill shot at it a few times (maybe 8 or 9) and we think hit it at least once and hopefully it died. Must have left the babies under or behind the cement step. Of course, Bill was gone hauling rock this afternoon when I saw the babies. Tony and Sherrie Sander were here working on the shed so Tony took the shovel and gave them a toss out into the lawn. They were only 6-7 inches long, but you know what? They can still spray stinky stuff! Bill got home then and shot the four of them that were out, but I could hear more still under the step. Just a few minutes ago we got 2 more. Hopefully that is all! Skunks do stink!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Anyone else disappointed in the finale of Dancing with the Stars? I personally didn't want to see Christy win anything. Himes did a great job and deserved the trophy.

We went RACING in Newton Sunday. A great day. Nobody told me to wear my walking shoes, however. We did a lot of walking--from the parking lot, to the fan walk, back to the parking lot. There was water and mud there from the rain on Saturday but Sunday's weather was great, not too hot, sort of cloudy. We sat WAY up high on the bleachers, but hey, the tickets were free. A lot of people we knew were up there with us, all with free tickets from Green Valley. One more thing to take off my bucket list.

We missed the weather here on Sunday, there was wind and north around Olin/Stanwood there was 3 inch hail. Not like the poor people in Missouri so we will count our blessings once again.

Getting closer on finding a minister. Our search committee is having personal interviews in June. Wish us luck!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Last Friday's race in Tipton was rained out. But the best racing news is that we get to go to Newton on Sunday for the John Deere sponsored race. Larry got 4 free tickets! It was on my bucket list to see at race at Newton so I am very happy. Now the weatherman says it could rain. We will wait and see. If those of you who have gone there have any advice about the track, etc., let me know.

I spent last Friday working at the library while Vicki was on vacation. She had some work for me to do in the morning; in the afternoon I looked at Cedar County/Lowden history books. It was very interesting. I made some copies of a few articles to share. Does anyone want a copy of an article about Christian Fehling, who would have been my Grandpa Fehling's dad? If so, let me know.

Yesterday was spent doing laundry and hanging everything on the clothes line and mowing yard. We had frost yesterday morning but it looks like the corn survived. All the corn and some beans are up. The contrast between the green waterways and the dark fields is very pretty seen from a distance. Be sure to take a drive in the country and enjoy Iowa's farmland.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Summer !!!

Did I miss spring? Yesterday was almost too hot. I took Grandma to her chiro appointment and had the air conditioner running. Mowed lawn without a jacket. Got my neck sunburnt. The new air conditioner in the house didn't work. Yep, summer must be here.

Spent Friday night at the Legion Fish Fry (where we fed over 300 people) instead of the races. Ben's car came back with a busted front side, bent rim etc., but it was not his fault. A car spun out in front of him and he had no place to go. So said his Grandpa Chip. We saw Chip at Dorothy Holtz's funeral Saturday morning. Saturday evening Rick and Deb took us to Monticello for dinner as pay for doing their cat chores while they were gone and to pay ahead for when they leave again this month. Deb is taking me for my first ever pedicure and manicure today. My nails and feet are so ugly, the clinician will probably have to hide her face to either laugh or throw up.

Bean planting going well, should be done in a day or two.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


We see a lot of wild turkeys around here, but Sunday I saw something I had never seen. On the hill to the southeast was a big black spot, Bill said a turkey; I said a deer (it was that big)! It indeed was a male turkey with his tail feathers fanned out. I had never seen this before and with the help of binoculars I could see him standing there in all his glory with 5 females around him. You know I don't like birds; but this was something to see.

Larry has been busy putting little sweatshirts on all the corn seed he has been planting. They started Monday morning and have been at it since. Bill and Ben are getting the fields ready for Larry. Should have the corn all planted either today or tomorrow, depending on equipment malfunctions etc. So far, so good.

Ben's first race Friday night was exciting and he did really well during the feature as he stayed behind the rest and just got the feel of the car and track. He did finish, not last, second to last, but not last and had no spin outs. The heat race on the other hand--well, he finally pulled off much to my relief. Ben said yesterday that he would like to find others to help him rent the track for practice, but to rent the track costs $500. Last night found Ben and Bill working on the car; the oil pan has a hole in it. We won't be able to go to the races this week as we have to work at the Legion Fish Fry, the last one of the season. All proceeds will go to the Honor Flight.

Prayers for Caleb and the 3/2, please. Life might have gotten more difficult for them since the death of Bin Laden. Hopefully no reprisals but all our servicemen need our thoughts and prayers.