The weather, that is! Still can't stand to be outside for more than a few minutes! It will get better!
News from Bill: he got hearing aids. Of course right now they are not in his ears. I don't know what to do, I am NOT going to remind him every day. The choice is his, hear or don't.
Worked at church serving a lunch to a committee having a day meeting there. We served maidrites, chips, 2 salads, jello and brownies. At least it was cool. Today I am at the library, another cool place. Tomorrow I am meeting Donna & Georgie at Lisbon to do final, final plans for the class reunion. Might have to go to CR and get a new outfit to wear to the wedding we have to go to Saturday night. Friday Bill has an appointment with the hearing aid people again and Friday night is the races.
The races are much more enjoyable knowing that Ben can really drive the car quite well for a first year rookie. He won his heat Friday night and Thursday night got 2nd in the feature. Fun stuff, but glad he is paying the bills!
Update on Bo
9 months ago
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