I'm not the least ready for Christmas so we will not talk about that anymore.
An interesting week as you all know. I remember now that hospital sitting is hard work. The best thing is Mother found out her heart is fine and that she has to take pain meds to keep her arthritis pain under control. Also found out that the life line works and she will use it if need be. All the nurses and doctors, first responders and ambulance people were great. Hope this week is more "normal".
Today is school, tomorrow Mother's dr. appt at 10:30 and I have an appt in the afternoon to see about getting my quilt machine quilted and choir practice in the evening; Wednesday is library and at night I am going to a class that Aaron Horman is teaching on FaceBook and Twitter. Looking forward to that. Maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks!
Also looking forward to election next week. Then we won't have to listen to all the political ads. I work at the polls so it is a long day--from 6:00 AM to 9:30 or so PM. Hopefully lots of people come in to make the day go fast!
Update on Bo
9 months ago