Just a little bit about our Circle tour to Independence. Everything went well and those that went on the trip enjoyed it. It's sort of scary planning a trip that you hope everybody will like. The trip up to Independence went fine; nobody sped on I-380 where the speed cameras are! The museum or the Agribition Center as it is called is a very nice place. Even though Joy and I had been there before there was still a lot to see. Bill enjoyed looking at the old cars; there was a very old Packard there that I love, it was pristine. The back seat has its own windshield! The guys who went (there were 4) spent some time looking at Big Bud, the huge tractor on display. Some of the women who went are taking their families up there to see it. The one room school house was so fun to see, clean and neat. We had a great lunch at the Homestead, a special for the day for $5.99 that included a sandwich, one side and drink. From there we drove past the Mental Institution (we all stayed in the car so they couldn't keep us) which has beautiful grounds and is an impressive but old building. Hazleton and the Amish was the next stop. We stopped at 2 country stores and drove through some of the Amish country. Saw little kids riding in a little pony cart; someone cultivating corn with horses; one man mowing hay with a horse, lots of laundry on the line, gorgeous gardens.
Now I need ideas for a tour for next year as I "get" to stay on the project committee. Let me know if you have a place of interest for us to see!
Update on Bo
9 months ago